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Extractive Industries Transparency: The Benefits of EU Legislation to African Citizens

  • Date
  • June 2012

The European Parliament and Council of Ministers have the opportunity in the coming months to make sure that EU based companies engaged in the oil, gas, mining and forestry sectors help empower poorly governed or exploited communities. African citizens need better and more detailed information to play their part in preventing corruption and illicit capital flight. Mandatory corporate reporting would be the simplest method of providing this information. That was the clear message sent to EU policy makers by civil society activists from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Liberia and Zimbabwe at a recent roundtable event in Brussels.

The boom in commodity prices has added urgency to their demands for greater transparency and accountability with regard to extractive revenues. This briefing gathers together material presented at the roundtable, as well as other evidence relevant to the highlighted countries.

The Open Society Institute-Brussels and Transparency International EU jointly organised the roundtable event and collaborated on this report.

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