Policies and Notices
The Open Society Foundations include Open Society Institutes in New York, London, and Brussels as well as country and regional foundations active in more than 120 countries around the world. All of these entities cooperate informally as the Open Society Foundations, but are established and regulated individually in accordance to the laws of the country where they are located. This website, a joint presentation, is intended to provide an overview of each institutes’ and foundations’ unique activities.
The public purpose of the Open Society Foundations is based on maintaining the public trust. We take this obligation seriously and strive to set an example in all of our activities. Our employees are required to conduct Open Society Foundations affairs with a commitment to the highest standards of integrity. This includes acting at all times in an honest and ethical manner, in compliance with all laws and regulations, and avoiding actual, potential or apparent conflicts of interest. It is also the aim of the Open Society Foundations to maintain a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. We require staff to adhere to a high standard of ethical conduct. Each employee is obligated to treat colleagues, grant seekers, and the general public in a consistently professional and courteous manner.
- Addressing Complaints—Ombuds Office
- Allegations of Discrimination, Including Sexual Harassment, Within Grantee Organizations
- Community Guidelines
- Confidentiality
- Conflict of Interest, Gift, and Hospitality Policy
- Cookie Policy
- Digital Accessibility
- Equal Employment Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, and Anti-harassment
- Grant Scams and Fraudulent Activity
- Intellectual Property
- Job Applicant Data Processing Notice
- Political Activity
- Privacy
- Public Events Data Use Notice
- Staff Code of Conduct and Ethics
- Terms and Conditions
- Transparency in Coverage Rule
- Data Subject Notice: Roma Initiatives Office