Mass incarceration is the most pressing and least acknowledged racial justice issue of our time. Black men and boys have been the primary targets of mass incarceration, due largely to the war on drugs and the subsequent wave of punitive criminal justice efforts. Although most people assume that punishment ends following one's release from prison, The New Jim Crow emphasizes that life after imprisonment is when the harshest punishment begins.
Join Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow and a 2005 Soros Justice Fellow, and a number of leading criminal justice activists as they discuss the impact of mass incarceration on individuals, families, and communities.
- Glenn Ford, Black Agenda Report
- Annette Dickerson, Center for Constitutional Rights
- Gabriel Sayegh, Drug Policy Alliance
- Neil Franklin, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
- Tina Reynolds, WORTH
- Glenn Martin, David Rothenberg Center for Public Policy (moderator)
This half-day conference will also feature an art exhibit, film, Q&A, book signing, and information tables.
The event is sponsored in part by the Open Society Foundations Campaign for Black Male Achievement and Criminal Justice Fund.
For More Information
Please visit for more information.
Riverside Church
490 Riverside Drive
New York NY 10027