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Addressing Complaints—Ombuds Office

  • Last updated
  • July 11, 2024
  • Contact
  • Open Society Foundations
    224 West 57th Street
    New York, NY 10019
    United States
    P. +1-212-548-0600
    F. +1-212-548-4600
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The Open Society Foundations expect that employees and others acting on the Foundations’ behalf operate in a manner that is fair, respectful, and cooperative with those the Foundations are intended to serve. Complaints about abuse of authority by the Open Society Foundations, including Open Society programs and national or regional foundations, or by members of Open Society boards or staff should be addressed to an Open Society Foundations ombudsperson at

The types of complaints about abuses of authority that should be addressed to an ombudsperson include rudeness, negligence, invidious political or personal favoritism or bias, dishonesty, or other misfeasance in the Open Society Foundations’ dealing with grantees, grant applicants, partner organizations, or the general public. An ombudsperson does not deal with employee grievances, which should be addressed to supervisors or Open Society’s Human Resources Department.

An ombudsperson is an advisor to the president and the Board of Directors, and does not function either as a judge or a prosecutor. The principal responsibilities of an ombudsperson include investigating complaints, facilitating resolution of disputes, identifying particular abuses or patterns of abuse that warrant attention by the president or Board of Directors, and making recommendations to the president and/or Board of Directors that are intended to stop or reduce abuses.

Annette Laborey currently serves as ombudsperson.

The ombudsperson can be reached via email at

  • Last updated
  • July 11, 2024
  • Contact
  • Open Society Foundations
    224 West 57th Street
    New York, NY 10019
    United States
    P. +1-212-548-0600
    F. +1-212-548-4600
Contact us

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