For millions of people around the world, human rights violations are part and parcel of everyday life. Sexual violence, discrimination in housing, unwarranted dismissal from employment, unfair evictions, denial of child support, and police harassment are only a few such violations.
These have a particularly harsh impact on people whose health is compromised, and on people society often excludes—like sex workers, people who use drugs, patients nearing death, Roma, and people living with HIV.
This report shows the potential to transform this dynamic, profiling 11 access to justice projects based in Indonesia, Kenya, Macedonia, Russia, South Africa, and Uganda. These projects use a range of approaches to make the law meaningful for marginalized people and to improve their health.
Whether through medical and legal partnerships, peer paralegals, or web-based consultations—see what’s possible when people become empowered to claim their rights and their health.
Bringing Justice to Health: The Impact of Legal Empowerment Projects on Public Health (2.59 Mb pdf file)
Download the complete 58-page report
Read more
Justice on Wheels
Traveling by bicycle, paralegals help Ugandans living with HIV in their own communities understand and assert their rights and, in the process, safeguard their health.
Injustice Is Bad for Your Health
Violations of rights pose a fundamental threat to people’s health and well-being. Thankfully, programs that improve people’s access to justice can help.
Five Legal Strategies that Preserve the Rights of Women Living with HIV
Women living with HIV can easily lose their homes and property. The resulting hardship can keep them from treatment, and dependent in relationships. But these legal strategies can help protect their rights and their health.