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European Neighbourhood Policy: Implementation of the Objectives of the EU-Georgia Action Plan

  • Date
  • December 2010

This report, prepared by the Open Society Georgia Foundation in collaboration with its partners, addresses issues relevant to the Georgian political agenda. Topics discussed correspond to the following priority goals of Georgia's democratic transition in 2010:

  • adopting the new constitution that ensures institutionalization of checks and balances of the state political system;
  • increasing the role of the Parliament and level of independence of the Judiciary;
  • adopting the amendments to the election code and administration of May 2010 local election
  • reforming the public finance management system, ensuring macroeconomic stability, establishment of the new tax code
  • addressing competition policy and trade issues
  • changing social services' provision system and promoting poverty reduction, sustainable development including environment, and climate change issues
  • supporting reforms that promote free and independent media
  • promoting EU-Georgia cooperation for the settlement of Georgia's internal conflicts.

The report also defines challenges that might impede efficiency of the reforms and hamper implementation of the ENP Action Plan.

The full report is available for download.

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