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Muslims in Hamburg

  • Date
  • June 2010

"We have integrated into society very well, but now it is the time when society has to incorporate us."
—Open Society Foundations focus group respondent, Hamburg

Through engagement with policymakers and communities, Muslims in Hamburg examines the political, social, and economic participation of Muslim communities living in Hamburg, Germany—a city known for its long history of immigration and where inter-religious dialogue and inclusion form a visible part of the daily life of the city.

The report focuses on the district of Hamburg-Mitte, offering new insights and, possibly for the first time, portraying the city from the perspective of its Muslim population. The report outlines and examines Muslim experiences in the areas of education, employment, health, housing and social protection, citizenship and political participation, policing and security, media, belonging, identity, and interactions.

While recognizing the local administration's efforts and successes in enhancing integration, the report offers a series of recommendations for local and national authorities, Muslim communities and other minority groups, NGOs and community organizations, the media, and broader civil society to take this further.

Muslims in Hamburg is the fourth report in the Muslims in EU Cities series produced by the Open Society At Home in Europe Project. It is a result of research undertaken on the level and nature of integration of Muslims in 11 cities across Europe (Antwerp, Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Leicester, London, Marseille, Paris, Rotterdam, and Stockholm). A 12th report, Muslims in Europe: A Report on 11 EU Cities, is also available.

The report was launched in partnership with the British Council Our Shared Europe project at Hamburg City Hall on June 29, 2010.

The report is available for download in English and German. Hard copies of the report can be requested, but please note that they may not always be available. To order one, please contact Csilla Tóth at


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