In the face of a climate crisis that threatens massive global disruption, Open Society is committed to seeking change that enables communities to thrive in a world transformed by climate impacts.
We advocate for a comprehensive approach that transcends sectors—with the recognition that vulnerable communities that are the least responsible for climate impacts are already living with these impacts and are in urgent need of resources to recover and thrive.
We work to strengthen the voices of those most affected across multilateral spaces, and to business and financial sectors, which bear historical responsibility for the climate crisis, and have the power and financing needed to act decisively. As a pioneering new voice in the global climate space, Open Society works to influence future UN Climate Change Conferences to generate just outcomes through mobilization support for Global South delegations, diplomatic outreach, and support for enabling structures, including media support.
The climate crisis demands unprecedented shifts of global investment by both governments and the private sector to support decisive responses. As a philanthropic funder, Open Society seeks to use its more limited resources as a catalyst for change—piloting transformative projects that can be expanded, and looking for ways to make financing more accessible, particularly in the Global South. We also advocate with global and regional financial institutions and development banks to commit to just transitions that include quality job creation, social dialogue, labor standards, and social protection.
We are also active in pushing for transparent and ambitious corporate climate action that goes beyond narrowly defined but low-impact goals. We actively campaign for clear guidelines on climate action to be adopted and implemented by investors.
We are drawing on our global convening capacity to catalyze efforts to reduce losses and damage from climate change, and spark partnerships with like-minded institutions to create innovative financial mechanisms.
We draw on Open Society’s long partnerships with human rights defenders and legal advocates to speak out and protect individuals and groups that speak out for climate justice for their communities, in defiance of powerful business and political interests. We also draw on our longstanding relationship with refugee stakeholders to elevate the rights of climate refugees and tackle inevitable displacement.
We aim to accelerate locally-led adaptation efforts, by collaborating with local authorities and civil society across the Global South. This includes support for innovative climate finance responses developed by those dealing with the realities on the ground.
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