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Why the EU Needs an Anticorruption Sanctions Regime: A Powerful Tool in the Fight Against Corruption

  • When
  • November 22, 2022, 5:45–8:00 a.m. (EST) / 11:45 a.m.–2:00 p.m. (CET)
  • Where
  • Open Society Foundations, Square de Meeûs 5-6, Brussels 1000
  • Speakers
  • Carl Dolan, Anton Moiseienko, Stephanie Muchai, Tinatin Tsertsvadze, Sandra De Waele, and Jennifer Baker

The use of sanctions as an instrument of foreign policy has become prevalent against a backdrop of regressing democratic, rule of law, and human rights standards, increased authoritarianism, and attempts to undermine rules-based international order.

Using sanctions to tackle corruption is a relatively novel and promising approach to fighting corruption that has not been universally adopted. In the U.S., legislation authorizing corruption sanctions, the Global Magnitsky Act, has been in place for over five years. The EU, however, which has taken a leading role in utilizing sanctions to protect human rights, respond to violations of international law, and to preserve peace and security, currently lacks the legislative framework to sanction kleptocrats and acts of serious corruption.

In this context, there is a need for consensus to develop around setting common goals for effectiveness, and for measuring how sanctions actually effect change. This expert panel will take stock of the impact of corruption sanctions to date, presenting specific case studies to identify lessons that current experience may hold for the EU.

To a watch a live stream of this event, please register here.


  • Carl Dolan

    Speaker (opening remarks)

    Until March 2023, Carl Dolan was the interim director of Policy and Outreach with Open Society—Europe and Central Asia.

  • Anton Moiseienko


    Anton Moiseienko is a lecturer at the ANU College of Law.

  • Stephanie Muchai


    Stephanie Muchai is program director for Governance and Anticorruption with the International Lawyers Project.

  • Tinatin Tsertsvadze


    Tinatin Tsertsvadze is a senior policy analyst with Open Society—Europe and Central Asia.

  • Sandra De Waele


    Sandra De Waele is head of division for Sanctions for the European External Action Service.

  • Jennifer Baker


    Jennifer Baker is a Brussels-based journalist specializing in EU tech policy.

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